Monday, July 11, 2016

Detecting tooth decay under Crowns

People get crowns on their teeth because they have damaged the underlying tooth in some manner. Many resume their normal eating habits, with little regard to damaging the crown or the tooth that is under the crown.

A lot of patients assume that the tooth is protected and there is no need to worry about tooth decay. However, the opposite is true in a lot of circumstances.

The fact is that tooth decay might happen to the areas underneath the crown.


How to Tell if You Have Decay Under Old Crowns

Often, it is difficult to detect decay under an old crown; this is especially true if the decayed area is tiny. Commonly, it takes an x-ray to determine if the tooth under the old crown is actually decayed. Next, it is up to the dentist to determine if decay is present. The dentist examines the x-rays taken of the area. In some circumstances, the dentist is able to detect the decay. However, further oral examination might be required.


 Reasons for Tooth Decay Under Old Crown

A lot of patients have serious questions concerning tooth decay under an old crown. Actually, they want to know the preventative steps to take to stop tooth decay. Well, it is important to take a look at the reasons that tooth decay happens.

  • Ignoring regular dental checkups might lead to decay occurring under the crown. Regular checkups might help to prevent decay before it actually occurs.
  • Forgetting to brush and floss regularly leads to a buildup of bacteria that affects the tooth under the crown.
  • An ill fitting crown might also lead to a buildup of bacteria in the mouth and tooth decay beneath the crown.

Decay under a crown happens frequently. However, it takes the strong detective skills of a professional dentist to determine if there is real damage or decay under the crown.

Dr. Jyoti V. Desar is a Dental Crowns expert in the Inland Empire.

The post Detecting tooth decay under Crowns appeared first on Victoria Village Dentistry.

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